Ehdrigohr Kickstart Update #3

A new update has been posted at the Ehdrigohr Kickstarter project. I’ve revised the stretch goals to have more juicy/useful opportunities and added some new options that you can add to your pledges, namely the option for a hardback version of the finished book. Check it out at -Allen …

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Ehdrigohr Kickstarter Update #2

We’re almost to the first goal! Wahooo! I’ve posted a new update that details some more of the stretch goals. It also provides some reading and viewing references for helping you come up with ideas and inspiration. The update can be found at the Ehdrigohr Kickstarter page or go directly …

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Introduction to Ehdrigohr Video

This is a video I made from a slide show of the game that was presented to my game dev students and to a Native audience at the Native American Heritage Day celebration at UIC with the Native American Support Program. People seemed to like the idea overall though most …

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The Wu Towns

THE WU TOWNS The Wu Towns are strange and wondrous settlements that have been built by the Chi’An upon the backs of the great creatures known as the Unciwakan. The Unciwakan, are magnificent tortoises size of mountainous proportions that maintain a symbiotic relationship with the Chi’An. These Wu Towns range …

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An Interview With Me.

Hey there folks! I neglected to share this with the world when this happened and am now rectifying the error.  I was recently interviewed by Erin Walters of the blog called “The Admiration Society”. Though I was little nervous about the idea when she initially approached me, I went ahead …

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The Temples of the Still

When the Still was made manifest, and the Woe were put to sleep, great structures were erected to mark the location of the battles and the sleeping woes. There are eight temples in all, one for each of the slumbering Woes. The temples are a variant of the spirit towers …

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