The first day of the Ehdrioghr Kickstarter went very well. I can’t thank enough those of you who jumped in with both feet and found something to like in the ideas of the game.
There’s a lot more to do and more days to come but for now I’ve posted the first update which can be found here. Over the next few days I’m traveling to portions of Tenessee and Indiana where I’ll have limited internet access but I will jump in and answer questions where and when I can.
Until next time!
Happy Holidays!
-Allen T.
i was taken by this straight away. never backed a kickstarter before so im a kickstarter virgin and i lost it on this game.
Are we going to see way more art teasers. Is the music going to come with this . (haunting)
Wow! Thanks for the good words and you honor me with your decision to kickstart Ehdrigohr. Fear not, there is more art coming. I wasn’t sure how people would respond to the music but I’m considering putting together some tracks for people to use as background music for the games.
-Allen T.