Line in the Snow: Part 3

The sun finally disappeared behind distant mountains and the redness in the sky faded to blues and purples that were quickly washed over by a wave of gray clouds that ushered in a steady stream of falling snow. Four warriors lay in a circle, feet towards the tower and heads …

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Line in the Snow: Part 2

While preparations for the night were being completed, the sun descended further on the horizon causing the growing red sky to be reflected in the snowy tundra making giving the entire area a certain reddish/orange hue. The cold air had taken on a certain damp sharpness that suggested the possibility …

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Ehdrigohr Gear: Blades

Continuing our look at weapons in Ehdrighor, we dive a bit into the world of blades. Please note that adding these weapons with their inherent stress bonuses to your game will make it a bit more deadly. Blades can generally be broken down into small (0), short (1), medium (2), …

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Ehdrigohr Gear: Spears

This is a series of articles from gear related items. It’s coming partly from stuff that I took out of the book because it was proving troublesome bringing it over to Fate Core from the original version of the rules which were being written from older, more crunchy versions of the …

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Ehdrigohr Traditions: Society of Crows

Welcome to the first monthly Ehdrigohr Traditions article. What these Traditions articles will aim to do is give you particular info over different traditions in the world and how they use the Mysteries.  The info will also expand on rules already in the book and offer stunts and techniques that …

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Line in the Snow: Part 1

Happy New Year! I know that’s coming late but I’m finally getting caught up on my writing.  This is the first big piece (aside from the next adventure) that I’ve been working on getting done. Below you’ll find the beginning of “Line in the Snow: A Celebration of Sacrifice” which …

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The Story Keeping Society of Rooks

In Ehdrigohr there exist numerous smaller orders, touched by the Graces and Songs, who serve the people in much the same way as the Great Societies. Though they may be smaller in number or access the things they do may, in some cases, be even bigger. The Storykeeping Society of …

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Runs the Rabbit, Bleeds the Sky

What follows is the narrative setup for the next Ehdrigohr adventure entitled “Runs the Rabbit, Bleeds the Sky” which will be playable as a sequel to Red Dog, Hungry Dreams or as standalone adventure. It takes place mostly in the Beyduuni Wastes and among the forgetowns of the Salduun empire.

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