Runs the Rabbit, Bleeds the Sky

What follows is the narrative setup for the next Ehdrigohr adventure entitled “Runs the Rabbit, Bleeds the Sky” which will be playable as a sequel to Red Dog, Hungry Dreams or as standalone adventure. It takes place mostly in the Beyduuni Wastes and among the forgetowns of the Salduun empire.

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Of the Graces and the Sorrows

The Four Thunders

What follows is an excerpt from the cosmology section of Ehdrigohr the Roleplaying Game. Sorrows and Graces During the War of Sorrows it is said that Ok’O-wi chose 12 of her greatest companion spirits to lead her armies across the world. Though powerful, these spirits existed as intermediaries and as …

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Playing Ehdrigohr in a Bar

I recently had the opportunity to run an Ehdrigohr game at the Chicago Dungeons and Dragons Meetup (which actually happens in Evanston strangely enough in a Bar called Prairie Moon). The adventure I was running is the starter adventure “Red Dog, Hungry Ghost” which will be found in the back of Ehdrigohr …

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