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Tag: Ehdrigohr
Cover explorations
The Gathering
What follows is an excerpt from Ehdrigohr RPG: Book One. . . The Gathering Council looked upon the assortment of champions before them. At a glance, they appeared the most intimidating collection of defenders to come together to walk the Trail of Slumbers. Their goal, to battle through the shiver …
Organizations of Ehdrigohr, pt. 4
While there a number of groups, like the Great Societies, that work to make the world a better place, there are also those forces that strive for altogether more terrible possibilities. These next few posts will explore the most prominent of the forces of darkness. They are the more commonly …
A Map of the Land
Magic in Ehdrigohr
Organizations of Ehdrigohr, pt 3
We return after a hiatus, to talk about the society known as the Trouping Jays. The Jays are an ecclesiastical order with a loose hierarchy which culminates in the Council of Joyful Vagabonds. They are also one of the most socially complicated of the Great Societies. The Jays are taught …
Organizations of Ehdrigohr, part 2
I return this time to talk about the DreamKeeping Society of Owls. The Dream Keeping Society of Owls is a mystical tradition. They are found the world over with individual cells operating in different areas. The size of a given cluster of them ranges from a single individual, …